Vinko Kuzman


Acupuncture is all about enhancing the natural strength of the whole person to heal. This ancient Chinese healing technique uses fine needles that are strategically placed throughout the body on specific points.
Acupuncture medicine is about 5,000 years old and originates in China. Since 1950’s it is used in Chinese hospitals, in conjunction with modern medicine.
There are many trials around the world researching the effectiveness of acupuncture. This might be interesting reading:
From the RMIT university Melbourne website: news on 19 Jun 2017

“The world’s largest randomised controlled trial of acupuncture in emergency departments has found the treatment is a safe and effective alternative to pain-relieving drugs for some patients”.

The World health Organisation has been officially looking into Acupuncture as an effective treatment for many diseases since 1979. In 2003, a report was published listing the results of 255 trials.

For many diseases, symptoms or conditions, according to this report, acupuncture may be an effective treatment:

More trials and research:



Traditional Chinese treatment that involves instrument assisted “press stroking” of a moisturized body surface
Guasha is a simple yet highly effective way of promoting fluid movement and blood circulation in the treated area. This is the main reason why we use it in the clinic.
In 2007 researches at University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany showed a remarkable 400% increase in surface micro-perfusion in the Guasha treated area. This increase in circulation may have been known not only to Chinese doctors but also to Chinese ladies that were in a habit of using facial Guasha on a regular basis.
In Guasha therapy I use smooth natural instruments like Jade, Hot stone or Ox horn that comfortably glide over the facial skin


is a medical light therapy device with a specific optical unit emitting light that is similar to a part of the electromagnetic spectrum produced naturally by the sun, but with no UV radiation.

All three segments of the treatment work trough, and with, “Facia” or what would be “connective tissue proper”, in Western anatomy. In the not very distant medical past, the connective tissue was viewed as an inert material covering the important stuff. Now it is seen as an individual organ, that connects, supports and transmits, it is our fluid super highway under our very skin.

The application of Bioptron Light Therapy results in a smoother feeling skin, which takes on a healthier appearance, noticeable even from the first treatments. It rapidly improves microcirculation and cell oxygenation, whilst enhancing the production of new collagen fiber in skin tissue. This in turn will help to restore skin tightness and elasticity. Thus, Bioptron light can refine existing wrinkles and prevent premature formation of new ones.

How is this done you ask…well here is a scientifically worded explanation: The number of the capillaries per square centimeter of skin is between 1,600 to 6,500. Whilst our blood flows through all the tissue of our body at a varying rate, blood flows slowly in the capillaries situated very close to the skin surface. This is an ideal prerequisite for the photo modulation of blood. Bio positive effects from light transmitted to blood in this way can be carried throughout the whole body, supplying vital oxygen and energy to every cell.


A combination of a Greek word Kolla meaning glue and English word Gen, meaning information. Often defined as the substance that holds the body together.

As we get older Collagen production declines, negatively affecting our skin, joints, energy, hair and nails. The best way to replenish collagen is to have a good diet that includes a rich bone broth. Being hydrated with gelatine on the inside is very important.


We are also deeply aware that we are treating the whole person, so the chosen protocol will reflect this at all times. The whole treatment is enhanced also due to the bio-positive influence of light therapy, even if light is only received regionally.

All three segments of the treatment work trough, and with, “Facia” or what would be “connective tissue proper”, in Western anatomy. In the not very distant medical past, the connective tissue was viewed as an inert material covering the important stuff. Now it is seen as an individual organ, that connects, supports and transmits, it is our fluid super highway under our very skin.